First off we want to THANK everyone who has been a part of our middle school and U15 program. This year we have decided to make a change for the better of the athletes.

We will be offering a U15/U16 competitive program for both the men and the women.

Your athlete is eligible to join if they are in 7th grade or 8th grade and were born in 2011 or later.

You can find the practice schedule here. For more information or questions you can reach out to the men team head coach Will Aubin and the women’s team head coach Liz Calder Franco.

We will have posted a trial link shortly and everyone should sign up even those who will need financial aid.

Community Row Days

If your athlete is not interested in joining the competitive team or your athlete doesn't fit into the age range we will be hosting Community Row Days once a month to continue to offer access to rowing.

Please check back here for the link when it is posted.